Twists are feel-good poses that massage the abdominal organs, increase spine flexibility and improve circulation. They are soothing especially after backbends as they give the body what it needs to return to neutral or homeostasis.
This is a gentle seated twist that stretches and strengthens the spine, shoulders and hips.
Drishti: forward, over shoulder or eyes closed
Counterpose: easy pose
This feel-good twist opens the shoulders and stretches the spine. It's calming and may be helpful in relieving sore shoulders or back pain.
Drishti: forward or eyes closed
Counterpose: table top, child's pose
There are many variations of seated spinal twist. Marichyasana 1 is a variation that tones the core body, twists the spine and opens the chest and shoulders. This twist also strengthens and stretches the legs and shoulders.
Sanskrit: marichyasana 1
Drishti: forward, downward, or eyes closed
Revolved head-to-knee forward bend stretches the calf, hamstrings, and low back muscles. It also opens the hips, shoulders and groins. Just like head-to-knee forward bend (and even more so,) this asana is a combination of forward bend, twist and side bend.
Sanskrit: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Drishti: closed eyes, upward or forward
Counterpose: paschimottanasana, child's pose
Chair with a twist or revolved chair is a grounding pose that helps increase spinal flexion, core strength and stability. It strengthens the legs, back and hips.
Sanskrit: Parivrtta Utkatasana
Drishti: Forward or over the raised shoulder
Counterpose: mountain, chair, downward dog
Revolved lunge or lunge twist tones and lengthens the hip muscles, abdomen, chest, shoulders, legs, and the back. It's a twisting pose that will challenge your focus, flexibility and balance.
Sanskrit: parivrtta anjaneyasana
Drishti: forward or over the raised shoulder
Counterpose: mountain, crescent lunge, chair, downward dog
Compass is an advanced pose that deeply stretches the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders. This pose requires strength and flexibility including throughout the side body.
Sanskrit: Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana
Drishti: forward or to the side
Counterpose: dandasana
Reclined twist is a relaxing posture that stretches the spine and shoulders. It also tones the lower back and opens the hips and chest. It's a great cool down poses after an energetic yoga flow.
Sanskrit: jathara parivartanasana
Drishti: forward or upward
Counterpose: happy baby, wind removing, savasana