Tantra is a spiritual practice that embraces intimacy with one’s self and others. However, it starts with the self. If you do not have the capacity for self love, you won’t have much to offer anyone. Instead, you will depend on others for fulfillment and you will travel a long arduous path of heartbreak and disappointment. Freedom comes with self-love because you are at peace with yourself. In such a peaceful state of mind, you are free from the binds of self-loathing and your focus can shift from seeking to giving. Hand to heart is a short but meaningful exercise that allows for self trust and appreciation. Ready to try tantra yoga hand to heart? All you need is a quiet space and an open mind.
Tantra yoga hand to heart
Step 1
Lay flat on your yoga mat or the ground with arms by your side. Get comfortable but not so much that you might snooze off.
Step 2
Place your one hand on your heart and the other hand on your belly. Start paying attention to your breath. Breathe normally. Let go of any tension from the day, whether it’s physical, mental or emotional. Soften your facial expression and unclench your jaw. Stay here for one minute to fully settle down.
Step 3
Close your eyes. Start taking deep inhalation and exhalation through the nose. Feel the rise of your belly with every inhale and feel the fall of the belly as you exhale. As you continue to inhale and exhale deeply, say to yourself:
You can say this loudly or you can think it in your head. Do what feels most comfortable. Stay connected as you continue to touch your hand to your heart and the other hand to your belly.
Step 4
Breathe in a sense of safety into your heart center. Then, think of your favorite place. This can your be your home, a favorite restaurant, a city, a park or a vacation spot. As you remember your favorite place, savor the feeling of safety, happiness and ease you associate with being there. Allow the feeling of safety and happiness to envelop your chest and warm you up, feel it in your heart center and bask in that sensation for 30 seconds to one minute or for as long as you want.
Step 5
Continue to take full deep breaths. This time, say the phrase:
Breathe in a sense of love into your heart center. Then, think of a single positive moment when you felt love and appreciation for another person. This could be love and appreciation for a romantic partner, a child, a friend or even a pet. As you remember this moment, remind yourself that you have complete capacity to love and that in your innermost self, at the level of the soul, you are love. Connect with this thought and feeling in your heart center for 30 seconds to one minute or for as long as you want.
Step 6
Gently move your hands back to your sides and flutter your eyes open. Stay laying down as you take a moment to recognize the energy shift you just created. Do you feel more connected to your breath and to your heart center? Maybe you feel calmer, grounded and balanced. Acknowledge any feeling, good or bad, without judgment. Slowly roll to one side and lift up to a seated position.
Stay connected
When you connect with your breath and heart center, you are tuning inward, to your own thoughts and sensations. This is a calming exercise that allows you to tune out external distractions as you practice self awareness.
Remembering a moment of safety and love or affection for another activates the release of oxytocin. Your heart rate stabilizes and calmness naturally occur in the body as well as the mind.
Breathing in a sense of safety and love and all the warm sensations that come with it should remind you that you can harness those sensations on your own, in your time and place of choosing. You can direct your mind to it if you choose to. You can tune out the bad and and trust that your heart center will always be there for you.
Trust in your presence
Think of your role when doing this tantra yoga hand to heart exercise. Even if you do this a hundred times, who is always there in all of the safety and loving moments? You! All those moments were experienced, perceived and felt by you. Start trusting your role in all experiences. Learn to love your presence. It is the one true constant you can depend on.