Sitting postures promote calm and vitality especially the ones practiced for meditation. Many beginner yoga classes start with seated poses to center the mind and warm up the the body. However, some seated poses are advanced and require greater hip mobility and flexibility as well as openness of the shoulders.
Lotus is a classic meditative pose that opens the hips and increases knee flexibility. It also engages the core muscles and stretches the front of the thighs and ankles while promoting mental focus.
Sanskrit: Padmasana
Drishti: forward or eyes closed
Counterpose: dandasana, downward facing dog
Baby cradle is a hip opener that stretches the thighs, hamstrings and calf muscles. It opens the pelvic region and engages the hamstrings muscles. This pose also helps develop mental focus and calms the mind.
Sanskrit: Hindolasana
Drishti: forward
Counterpose: dandasana, downward facing dog
Hero is a gentle and soothing pose that provides an alternative to vary your seated positions for meditation and centering. It also helps open the lower back.
Sanskrit: Virasana
Drishti: at ceiling, eyes closed
Counterpose: dandasana, downward facing dog, seated forward bend
Working on your shoulder mobility? Try cow face pose. It opens the knees, ankles and shoulder joints. It stretches your entire body including the thighs, chest, hips, back and arms.
Sanskrit: Gomukhasana
Drishti: forward or closed
Counterpose: dandasana
Staff or dandasana is a foundational seated pose that serves as a starting point for many other seated asanas. Dandasana activates the back and shoulders while promoting strong posture and alignment.
Sanskrit: Dandasana
Drishti: forward
Counterpose: seated forward bend
Yoga sealing pose opens the hips and chest and increases knee flexibility. This pose stretches the shoulders and helps calm the mind.
Sanskrit: Yoga mudrasana
Drishti: forward or upward
Counterpose: dandasana
Heron stretches the shoulders, chest, back and hamstrings. This pose is a hip opener as well as a forward bend.
Sanskrit: Krounchasana
Drishti: forward, at big toe
Counterpose: dandasana
Compass is an advanced pose that deeply stretches the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders. This pose requires strength and flexibility including throughout the side body.
Sanskrit: Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana
Drishti: forward or to the side
Counterpose: dandasana