Just as we stoke the inner fire within our bodies during a vinyasa or hatha practice, we must also cool down and relax the body after. These poses allow us to embrace the stillness and the sensations and space created within our bodies. Reclining and restorative poses are necessary for rejuvenation as well as for encouraging introspection and meditation.
Child's pose is a calming asana that opens the pelvic floor, hips and back. It also stretches the ankles, knees and hips.
Sanskrit: Balasana
Drishti: eyes closed
Reclined butterfly, also known as reclined bound angle, opens the chest and hips while helping to reduce fatigue and stress.
Sanskrit: Supta Baddha Konasana
Drishti: nose or eyes closed
Counterpose: bridge, reclined hero, savasana
Knees-to-chest is a supine pose that relaxes the body as it stretches the spine and shoulders. It also opens the hips and helps relieve lower back pain.
Sanskrit: Apanasana
Drishti: forward or eyes closed
Counterpose: savasana
Happy baby opens the hips while encouraging relaxation and inner awareness. It's a great pose to wind down and encourage feelings of innocent joy as if you were a happy baby.
Sanskrit: Ananda Balasana
Drishti: nose or eyes closed
Counterpose: reclined twist, savasana
Also known as legs-up-the-wall, waterfall is a soothing pose that relieves fatigue in the legs and feet. It helps prevent varicose veins and symptoms of arthritis. It also increases circulation and helps calm the mind. If you're looking for a gentle inversion to relax and invigorate your mind, try waterfall!
Sanskrit: Viparita Karani
Drishti: eyes closed
Counterpose: savasana