Urdhva Dhanurasana | Wheel
Wheel is a deep backbend, one that challenges your flexibility and strength. This heart opener helps keep the spine strong and stretches the wrists, forearms, shoulders and spine. Wheel opens the chest while strengthening the legs, glutes, back, chest, shoulders and wrist. Warm up with more gentle back bends before attempting this pose.
Sanskrit: Urdhva Dhanurasana
Drishti: forward
Counterpose: uttanasana and knees-to-chest
- Yoga mat
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your knees with feet parallel, close to the bum and hip-width distance apart.
- Bend the arms overhead and position your hands palms down so that fingertips are pointing toward the feet.
- Inhale and press your palms to the floor, lift your torso up and come to the top of your head. Pause here and exhale. Make sure hands are parallel and about shoulder-width apart. You can widen the arms just a bit more if the shoulders are tight.
- Inhale and press your hands and feet to the floor then slowly lift your body up into an arch. Open the chest and keep your focus by looking forward. Stay here for 1-3 breaths.
- Hold for a few breaths or for as long as you feel comfortable then slowly lower down.