Triangle | Utthita Trikonasana
The triangle pose is a fundamental standing posture that stretches the arches, calves, hamstrings and groin. Trikonasana helps in lengthening the spine and also opens the chest, shoulders and hips. Other benefits include stabilizing and strengthening the legs and torso, increasing endurance.
Sanskrit: utthita trikonasana, trikonasana
Drishti: upward, forward or down
Counterpose: forward fold
- yoga mat
- yoga blocks (optional)
- Inhale and stand in mountain pose.
- Step your feet wide apart. Inhale and extend both arms to the side. Turn your left foot in slightly and turn your right foot out to the side. Engage your leg muscles.
- Exhale and bend to the right, hinging from the hips. Place your right fingertips on the floor. Turn your head to gaze up toward your left thumb.
- Hold for several breaths and repeat on the other side.
Variations: for a gentle variation, only place the lower arm as low as you can go, depending on your comfort level.
Modification: place a yoga block underneath the lower hand for extra lift and support.
Preparatory poses: mountain, tree
Follow-up poses: revolved triangle, extended side angle