Revolved Lunge
Revolved lunge or lunge twist tones and lengthens the hip muscles, abdomen, chest, shoulders, legs, and the back. It's a twisting pose that will challenge your focus, flexibility and balance.
Sanskrit: parivrtta anjaneyasana
Drishti: forward or over the raised shoulder
Counterpose: mountain, crescent lunge, chair, downward dog
- Yoga mat
- Start in downward facing dog.
- Inhale, step your right foot forward into a lunge, keeping your back leg straight. Engage your leg muscles and keep your back foot balanced on the ball of your feet.
- Exhale lift your torso up and stretch arms overhead, bringing palms together for crescent lunge. Lengthen your neck and press your head back to bring shoulder blades more onto your back for a slight back bend.
- Inhale and start to lower your hands to your chest. Exhale and twist towards the left side bringing the left elbow to touch the right knee. Keep engaging the leg muscles as you twist the chest to the right while shoulders are down and away from the chin, keeping the neck long. Gaze is over the raised shoulder or forward.
- Hold for several breaths and repeat on the other side.
Modifications: Use a chair to support the sitting bones if needed. For a more supported variation, practice low lunge instead by keeping the back knee touching the mat and tucking the toes under.
Preparatory poses: cat and cow, gentle twist, chair, triangle
Follow-up poses: mountain, downward dog, extended side angle