Revolved Half Moon | Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Revolved half moon tests your balance and tones the core muscles. It strengthens the feet, ankles, knees and thighs. It also stretches the hamstrings while opening the chest and lungs. Mentally, this pose helps build focus and willpower.
Sanskrit: parivrtta ardha chandrasana
Drishti: upward, forward or at the floor
Counterpose: forward fold
- yoga mat
- yoga block (optional)
- Start in a runner's lunge pose with your right foot forward and your left leg straight.
- Inhale and lift up the left leg as you balance on your right foot, and the fingertips of both hands. Slide both of the fingertips forward, directly below the shoulder. Exhale.
- Bring your right hand to your hip. Inhale and roll your right shoulder back, twisting to open your chest to the right. Next, extend your right arm up to the sky, directly above your right shoulder. Exhale and engage your leg muscles by flexing both legs as you keep your balance on your left fingertips and right foot. Look up to your extended hand.
- Hold for several breaths. To release, look down and place both hands on the floor. Lower the lifted leg, bring hands to hips, root through your feet and come up to standing. Repeat on the other side.
Modification: Place a block under the lowered hand for extra lift and support.
Preparatory poses: lunge, runner's lunge, chair twist, warrior 3
Follow-up poses: runner's lunge, five pointed star, warrior 2