Reverse Warrior | Viparita Virabhadrasana
Reverse warrior opens the side body and chest. It also stretches the arches, ankles, knees and thighs. Additionally, reverse warrior strengthens the legs and helps increase mobility. This pose is also known as peaceful warrior.
Sanskrit: viparita virabhadrasana
Drishti: forward or upward
Counterpose: downward facing dog
- yoga mat
- Start in warrior 2 with the right knee bent.
- Inhale, lengthen your spine, keeping the front knee bent.
- Exhale and flip the right palm so that it's facing upward as you extend the right arm toward the sky. At the same time, bring your left palm down and slide it toward the left knee. Remember to open the chest and keep the legs and core engaged.
- Hold for several breaths, come back to warrior 2 and repeat on the other side.
Variations: to open the chest some more and for a deeper shoulder stretch, sweep the left arm behind the body, reaching for the top of your right thigh.
Preparatory poses: warrior 2, downward facing dog
Follow-up poses: chaturanga, extended side angle