Pyramid | Parsvottanasana
Pyramid is also known as intense side stretch pose. It opens the chest, strengthens the feet, ankles, shins, knees and thighs. This is a great pose for improving balance, stretching the hamstrings, toning the abs and lengthening the spine.
Sanskrit: parsvottanasana
Drishti: upward, or forward on shins
Counterpose: forward fold
- yoga mat
- yoga blocks (optional)
- Stand in mountain pose with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. Step your right foot forward, about 3 to 3.5 feet and square your hips.
- Bend your elbows and join palms together behind your back with the fingers pointing up. Another option is to hold both elbows behind the back.
- Inhale and lengthen the spine, drawing the shoulder blades back and rooting down through the four corners of your feet.
- Exhale and bend your torso forward while keeping the back straight. Draw your right hip back and bring your left hip forward. Extend your torso forward so that your chin meets the shin.
- Hold for several breaths, slowly rise and repeat on the other side.
Variation: for a gentle variation only bend your torso forward as far as it feels comfortable. You can also bring both hands to the floor instead of the bind. For extra lift and support, bring hands to the floor and use two blocks under your hands.
Preparatory poses: downward facing dog, butterfly, cow face, forward fold, triangle, hero, wide legged forward fold, revolved triangle, tree pose
Follow-up poses: forearm stand, chair, wide legged forward fold, locust, headstand, warrior 1
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