Malasana | Garland
Also known as yogi squat, malasana opens the hips and strengthens arches of the feet and ankles, This pose helps improve balance and alleviates low back pain.
Sanskrit: Malasana
Drishti: forward
Counterpose: dandasana
- Yoga mat
- Start in tadasana with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. The toes can point on an angle towards the outer edges of the mat.
- Inhale and place your hands to prayer position then exhale and squat down while keeping your hips off the floor.
- Press the elbows onto the inside of each knee while leaning the torso slightly forward and keeping the back straight. Work towards keeping the forearms parallel to the ground.
- Hold for a few breaths and slowly release.
Modification: You can begin the pose with feet touching and parallel for more challenge. You can also test your balance by getting on your tip toes. For support, place a block under the bum or a folded blanker under your heels.
Preparatory poses: downward facing dog, warrior 2
Follow-up poses: dandasana, extended side angle, downward facing dog, wide legged forward fold