Lotus | Padmasana
Lotus is a classic meditative pose that opens the hips and increases knee flexibility. It also engages the core muscles and stretches the front of the thighs and ankles while promoting mental focus.
Sanskrit: Padmasana
Drishti: forward or eyes closed
Counterpose: dandasana, downward facing dog
- Yoga mat
- Folded blankets (optional)
- Sit with legs extended in front of you (dandasana).
- Bring the right heel to your navel, with the foot facing upward and place it on top of your left thigh at the hip crease.
- Draw your left heel to your navel with the foot facing upward, placing it on top of your right thigh at the hip crease. Bring your knees closer together and press your toenails down into your thighs.
- Inhale deeply as you extend from your low belly up through the top of your head. Lengthen up through the side body, bringing the shoulders back as you soften into the pose. Option to extend arms by bringing the palms facing up on the knees in gyan mudra, with the pads of the index fingers touching the inside of your thumbs.
Modifications: Place folded blankets under the knees for support.
Preparatory poses: easy pose, fire log, butterfly, janu sirsasana
Follow-up poses: yoga sealing pose, half lord of the fishes, downward-facing dog, child's pose