Halfway Lift | Ardha Uttanasana
Halfway lift is a gentle forward fold that stretches your spine, calf and hamstrings while strengthening the upper back, core and thigh muscles. Practice halfway lift to help prepare your body for deeper forward folds.
Sanskrit: Ardha Uttanasana
Drishti: down or towards the ground
Counterpose: mountain, halfway lift with twist, uttanasana
- Yoga mat
- Blocks (optional)
- Start in uttanasana, (standing forward bend) either feet close together or hip-width distance apart, with the fingertips on the floor next to your feet. Option to place the palms to your shins with fingers pointed straight down.
- Inhale and straighten your arms, lifting the chest away from your thighs. Lengthen your spine, keeping the back straight as you engage the upper back muscles slightly. Option to keep the hands where they are or you can touch your fingertips to the toes.
Engage the core without rounding the spine. - Exhale and release back into uttanasana.
Modifications: For a more gentle variation, touch the palms to the shins or place a block under the hands for more lift.
Preparatory poses: cat and cow, seated forward bend, downward dog
Follow-up poses: mountain, halfway lift with twist, vinyasa