Uttanasana | Standing Forward Bend
Uttanasana is great for stretching the hamstrings and calves. Known as forward fold for short, this pose also strengthens the feet, knees and thighs as it opens the hips and groins. It takes time to fully fold with the legs straight. It's best to practice first with bent knees and gradually work your way to straight legs.
Sanskrit: Uttanasana
Drishti: at shins or closed eyes
- Yoga mat
- Start in tadasana with your feet parallel. Root through all four corners of your feet.
- Inhale and stretch arms up, extending from your waist all the way through the fingertips. Maintaining this length, exhale and bend forward to touch the mat, keeping the back straight.
- Inhale and keep your legs active then exhale and fold to bring your forehead close to or touching the shins. Bend the knees as much as needed to meet your chest to your knees.
- Keep your hands next to the feet or bring them to the back of the calves for a deeper fold.
- Hold for several breaths and release.
Modification: You can also use a block under the hands for support.
Preparatory poses: downward facing dog, reclining hand-to-big toe, head-to-knee pose, seated forward bend
Follow-up poses: tadasana, downward facing dog
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