Extended Side Angle | Utthita Parsvakonasana
The extended side angle pose strengthens the ankles, calves, knees and thighs. It opens the hips and groin while also lengthening the spine.
Sanskrit: utthita parsvakonasana
Drishti: upward, forward or at the floor
Counterpose: downward facing dog
- yoga mat
- yoga blocks (optional)
- Stand in mountain pose.
- Step your feet wide apart. Inhale and extend arms out to the side.
- Turn your right foot out to the side and turn your left foot slightly in.
- Exhale and bend your right knee to about 90 degrees. Place your right fingertips on the outer edge of your right foot. Extend your left arm over your left ear and gaze upward. You may also look forward or downward, depending on your comfort level.
- Hold for several breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Variations: for a gentle variation, rest your elbow on your knee rather than taking the fingers to the floor.
Modifications: place a yoga block under the lower hand for an extra lift, instead of having to reach down the floor.
Preparatory poses: triangle, warrior 1, forward fold
Follow-up poses: butterfly, malasana, downward facing dog, crow