Cat - Cow | Bitilasana Marjaryasana
Cat and cow is a gentle back bend that is great for warming up the spine. This combination of two poses stretches the spine in forward and backward motions. Cat and cow increases spinal flexibility, helps with circulation and in opening the lower back and abdominal cavity.
Sanskrit: Bitilasana Marjaryasana
Drishti: forward or upward or at navel
Counterpose: child's pose
- Yoga mat
- Come to all fours with your wrists directly under the shoulders and knees under hips. Start with your back in neutral position. Keep the arms straight and point both feet straight back.
- Inhale and press hands to the floor, round the spine and gaze toward the navel. Widen the shoulder blades behind you, belly is in and tailbone is scooped up. This is cat.
- Exhale and move your spine in the opposite direction. Bring the shoulder blades close together, lower the chest and look forward or up while tilting the pelvis upward. This is cow.
- Repeat this cat and cow movement for five to ten breaths. When ready, come back to neutral position and push back into child's pose.
Preparatory poses: seated twist, tadasana, downward dog
Follow-up poses: child's pose, downward dog
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