Dhanurasana | Bow
Bow is an energizing backbend that stretches the ankles, calves, thighs and spine. It also opens the chest and throat.
Sanskrit: Dhanurasana
Drishti: forward, on floor, or under nose
Counterpose: child's pose, downward facing dog
- Yoga mat
- Lie on your belly with feet pointing straight back and legs close together. Rest chin on the mat.
- Bend your knees and bring the heels close to the bum. Take the arms back and grab your ankles. Keep hip width distance between the knees and feet. Point the toes and hold a tight grip.
- Inhale and lift hips up while pressing knees into the floor. Exhale and lengthen the side body as you draw the shoulder blades onto your back. Engage the legs as you lift the legs and torso off the ground. Only your belly should stay on the mat. Lift up as high as you can, keeping the shoulders away from the ears.
- Hold for a few breaths. Exhale and lower your knees, release hands and rest on your belly.
Modification: Use straps to bind ankles to increase reach. For a gentle variation, try cobra or locust.
Preparatory poses: cat and cow, downward facing dog, upward facing dog
Follow-up poses: child's pose, downward dog, wheel