Boat | Navasana
Boat pose really engages the core and builds abs strength. It strengthens the legs, hips, groin, abs and arms. Boat also stretches the spine and neck while improving posture. Additionally, navasana opens the chest, shoulders, and throat. This pose nurtures mental strength as well by increasing focus and endurance.
Drishti: forward, at big toes
- yoga mat
- blanket (optional)
- Sit in dandasana.
- Bend your knees and place your hands right below the knees. Inhale and lengthen from the core of your pelvis all the way through your crown. Engage your muscles from your hands all the way up to your shoulders, bringing your shoulders blades closer together on your back as you lift the chest just a bit. Exhale.
- Inhale and lean your torso back so that you're balancing on your seat, just between your sitting bones and your tailbone.
- Exhale and extend your legs straight in an upward angle while simultaneously stretching your arms forward. Keep your arms parallel to the floor and your core engaged. Flex your feet to keep engaging the legs.
- Hold for several breaths, or as long as you can while maintaining correct form.
Variations: for a gentle variation, keep your hands in contact with the floor for stability. You can also bend your knees so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Place a blanket under your seat bones to lessen the pressure.
Preparatory poses: dandasana, plank, uttanasana, bridge
Follow-up poses: savasana, bridge, downward facing dog, child's pose