Beam | Parighasana
Beam stretches the side body and opens the chest. This pose also tones the abdominal organs and strengthens the ankle, knee, and hip joints. Beam is also great for stretching the arches, calf, thigh, and abs. This pose is also called gate.
Sanskrit: Parighasana
Drishti: forward , upward or side
Counterpose: child's pose
- yoga mat
- yoga strap (optional)
- Kneel on the floor with hands on your hips and flex your feet.
- Stretch your right legs out to the side, keeping your right foot in line with your left knee. Turn your right foot in at an angle.
- Inhale and stretch your arms out to the side, parallel with the floor. Engage the muscles of the right leg to keep it straight.
- Exhale and bend your torso to the right, sliding your right hand down your leg, palm facing up. Bring your left arm over by the side of your ear. Keep your core engaged.
- Hold for several breaths and slowly come up. Repeat on the other side.
Variations: for a more difficult variation and deeper stretch, stretch your left arm all the way over to the right to bring palms together.
Modifications: Use a strap to bind the extended foot with the reaching arm to help your reach.
Preparatory poses: downward facing dog, butterfly, triangle, wide legged forward fold
Follow-up poses: triangle, extended side angle, revolved head-to-knee pose
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