Baby Cradle | Hindolasana
Baby cradle is a hip opener that stretches the thighs, hamstrings and calf muscles. It opens the pelvic region and engages the hamstrings muscles. This pose also helps develop mental focus and calms the mind.
Sanskrit: Hindolasana
Drishti: forward
Counterpose: dandasana, downward facing dog
- Yoga mat
- Start from a seated position and press hands into the floor to lengthen your spine.
- Lift your left leg up towards the chest and draw your knee out to the side so that the leg is parallel to the floor. Place the hands under the the left leg, cradling your foot and lower shin.
- Cradle your left foot in the elbow of your right arm. Wrap your left arm around the outside of your left knee and lower leg. Clasp hands together.
- Inhale and move your left knee slightly away from your body. Exhale and draw your shin and foot in toward your torso, keeping the back straight.
- Stay for 1 to 3 breaths or more. Release and repeat on the other side.