Balancing poses build focus and strength. They strengthen the core muscles while increasing concentration, coordination and agility. Alignment, core strength and focus are required for balancing postures and with practice, you will gain more body awareness and control over the body as you progress toward more advanced asanas.
Eagle pose improves balance and strengthens the feet, ankles, calves and thighs. This pose opens the shoulders, chest, back and hips.
Sanskrit: garudasana
Drishti: forward
Counterpose: tadasana
Tree pose improves balance and strengthens the arches, ankles, calves, and thighs. It helps lengthen the spine and opens the shoulders, chest, thighs and hips. Mental benefits of tree include calming the mind and enhancing focus.
Sanskrit: vrksasana
Drishti: forward or upward
Boat pose really engages the core and builds abs strength. It strengthens the legs, hips, groin, abs and arms. Boat also stretches the spine and neck while improving posture. Additionally, navasana opens the chest, shoulders, and throat. This pose nurtures mental strength as well by increasing focus and endurance.
Drishti: forward, at big toes
Revolved half moon tests your balance and tones the core muscles. It strengthens the feet, ankles, knees and thighs. It also stretches the hamstrings while opening the chest and lungs. Mentally, this pose helps build focus and willpower.
Sanskrit: parivrtta ardha chandrasana
Drishti: upward, forward or at the floor
Counterpose: forward fold
Extended hand-to-big toe pose improves balance, stretches the hamstrings and strengthens the legs. It's also known as standing extended leg stretch. Additionally, this pose lengthens the spine.
Sanskrit: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Drishti: forward, or either side over the shoulder.
Counterpose: forward fold
Warrior 3 improves balance and strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs. It stretches the hips and groin while also enhancing endurance and improving circulation.
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana 3
Drishti: straight ahead or at the floor
Counterpose: forward fold
Dancer pose develops poise, balance and coordination. It strengthens the leg muscles and arches of feet. It opens the chest and shoulders, tones the spine and increases lung capacity.
Sanskrit: Natarajasana
Drishti: straight ahead at fingertips
Counterpose: forward fold
Half moon is an energizing pose that strengthens the arches, ankles, knees, and thighs. It stretches the hamstrings while improving balance and coordination.
Sanskrit: Ardha Chandrasana
Drishti: over the fingertips, forward or on the floor
Counterpose: forward fold