Forward bends, also called forward folds, are calming postures that encourage reflection, humility and inner awareness. Forward bends open the entire backside of the body while stretching the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. They help release tension and counteracts many other asanas to maintain balance in the body.
Child's pose is a calming asana that opens the pelvic floor, hips and back. It also stretches the ankles, knees and hips.
Sanskrit: Balasana
Drishti: eyes closed
Practicing seated forward bend is energizing. It's great for stretching your hamstrings as well as the spine, and calves. Aim to bring your forehead to touch the knees or shins but going halfway (as pictured) is also just right if that's what your flexibility allows.
Sanskrit: paschimottanasana
Drishti: at shins or eyes closed
Counterpose: happy baby, bridge, reverse plank, bow
Head-to-knee forward bend opens the chest and stretches the legs and lower back muscles. This asana is a combination of forward bend, twist and side bend.
Sanskrit: Janu Sirsasana
Drishti: forward or at shins
Counterpose: child's pose, happy baby, wind-removing pose
This forward fold helps release stress and stretches the lower back, hamstrings, and calves.
Sanskrit: Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana
Drishti: closed eyes or towards the shins
Counterpose: butterfly, bridge, gentle twist
Revolved head-to-knee forward bend stretches the calf, hamstrings, and low back muscles. It also opens the hips, shoulders and groins. Just like head-to-knee forward bend (and even more so,) this asana is a combination of forward bend, twist and side bend.
Sanskrit: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Drishti: closed eyes, upward or forward
Counterpose: paschimottanasana, child's pose
Halfway lift is a gentle forward fold that stretches your spine, calf and hamstrings while strengthening the upper back, core and thigh muscles. Practice halfway lift to help prepare your body for deeper forward folds.
Sanskrit: Ardha Uttanasana
Drishti: down or towards the ground
Counterpose: mountain, halfway lift with twist, uttanasana
Standing forward bend is a foundational pose that strengthens the feet, knees and thighs. It stretches the hamstrings and calves while opening the hips and groins.
Sanskrit: Uttanasana
Drishti: eyes closed or at shins
Counterpose: upward salute, mountain, downward facing dog