Standing Forward Bend | Uttanasana
Standing forward bend is a foundational pose that strengthens the feet, knees and thighs. It stretches the hamstrings and calves while opening the hips and groins.
Sanskrit: Uttanasana
Drishti: eyes closed or at shins
Counterpose: upward salute, mountain, downward facing dog
- Yoga mat
- Blocks (optional)
- Start in tadasana with feet parallel.
- Inhale and bring your arms up over your head. Spread the toes and keep the lower back drawing inward and upward.
- Exhale and bend forward, grasping your big toes with your index and middle fingers while tilting your pelvis forward.
- Inhale and lengthen the spine. Slide your hand to the outsides of your feet. Exhale and widen your elbows out and then draw your torso forward towards the feet. Lead with the chest rather than the head.
- Hold for several breaths and then slowly release.
Modifications: For a more gentle variation, use a block under your hands to help keep the legs straight and lower back concave. For a deeper bend, grab the heels from behind with the fingers under the feet.
Preparatory poses: Mountain, Standing Half Forward Bend, Paschimottanasana
Follow-up poses: Downward-Facing Dog, High Lunge, Chair