Ustrasana | Camel
Camel pose stretches the thighs, torso, shoulders, chest and neck. This pose gently opens the hips and also strengthens the legs, pelvis, and lower back. Some may find this pose uncomfortable at first but with practice, it can be a great anxiety and stress reliever.
Sanskrit: Ustrasana
Drishti: upward or closed
Counterpose: child's pose or standing forward fold
- Yoga mat
- Kneel on the floor with thighs parallel. Place both hands behind on your lower back with fingertips pointing down. Point the feet straight back and press your shins to the floor.
- Inhale and lengthen the spine. Exhale and reach back to place your right hand on your right heel, lifting the chest up and curling the shoulders back. Repeat with your left hand.
- Keep the neck long and curl your head backwards. Keep the hips reaching forward as the spine is bending back.
- Hold for a few breaths. On an exhale, root down through the shins and slowly lift up to release by bringing one hand up at a time to your waist.
Modification: For a gentle variation, keep hands to waist and do a slight back bend instead of placing hands to heels. You can also place blocks next to both shins for an extra lift.
Preparatory poses: cat and cow, child's pose
Follow-up poses: child's pose, savasana, wheel