Tiptoe | Prapadasana
Tiptoe pose improves balance and stretches the spine. It also builds the strength of your arches, ankles, calves, and thighs. This pose also opens the shoulders, chest, thighs and hips.
Sanskrit: prapadasana
Drishti: at fingertips, forward or eyes closed
- yoga mat
- Stand in tadasana.
- Shift the weight on your right foot, engaging the core while keeping your focus forward. Inhale, bend your left knee and hold your left foot for support, drawing you knee out to the side, similar to a figure four position. Bring the left heel close to the belly button.
- Exhale and slowly roll your left knee down so that the foot is at the right thigh crease.
- Inhale and lengthen your spine. Exhale and bend forward at the waist to touch the floor., keeping your core and legs engaged.
- Keep your hands in contact with the floor and bend your right knee to sit down on your right heel. Find your balance and if possible, bring palms together in prayer position.
- Hold for several breaths, release and repeat on the other side.
Variations: for a gentle variation, keep your hands in contact with the floor for stability. You can also place a block under your seat bones to help with balance.
Preparatory poses: tadasana, upward salute, chair
Follow-up poses: uttanasana, downward facing dog, tadasana, forward fold