Do you have tight hips? Repetitive day to day activities or doing the same exercise routines may decrease your hip mobility. When you stretch your hips, it relieves stress while also strengthening the leg muscles. It’s good to try hip opening yoga poses whenever you feel stiffness in your hips and legs. Even when you don’t, regularly stretching your hips is beneficial for overall fitness.
When hips are open, you increase your range of movement and core strength. It also helps alleviate back pain and you may find greater ease in your daily activities even in simple movements like walking and sitting down. Also, more hip flexibility means elevating your fitness level whether its in yoga, running, weightlifting or other sports. Click here to read more about the benefits of hip opening yoga poses.
Here are five hip opening yoga poses for anyone to try!
1. Butterfly

Also known as bound angle pose or baddha konasana, the butterfly pose is a great way to stretch the hips as well as enter a more meditative and relaxed state of mind. Your body is more likely to yield to you in a relaxed state. Never force any stretch, when doing these poses, simply allow your hips to open up as little or as much as it wants. Maybe your knees touch the floor, maybe it remains high up. Either way is great! You can also use books or blocks to place under your knees for support.
- Start by sitting on the floor with the legs straight in front of you.
- Bend the knees and bring the heels close to the bum.
- Slowly drop the knees out to the floor and touch the soles of your feet together.
- Clasp your hands around the ankles, feet, toes or wherever comfortable. Keep your back straight.
- Hold for at least five slow breaths.
Want more stretch? Place both your palms on the floor in front of you and lean forward.
2. Half pigeon

This is a feel-good pose that stretches the outer hip and butt. It also relieves a lot of tension deep in the hips.
- Get down on all fours.
- Bring your left ankle toward your right wrist as you place the other leg lower on the floor.
- Extend your right leg straight behind you. Feel the stretch as you lower your pelvis toward the ground.
- Your torso can stay lifted as pictured above or fold forward over the bent leg.
- Hold for five slow breaths and then repeat on the other side.
Want more challenge? Bring palms together in prayer position or raise both arms overhead to test your strength and balance.
3. Yogi squat

The yogi squat or malasana lengthens the spine and strengthens the core. It builds your balance and stability as you open the hips.
- From standing position, widen your stance and point your toes slightly outwards. Hands in prayer position.
- Lower down slowly as you bend both legs. Go as low as your body allow.
- Lean forward to raise your seat and squat on your feet.
- Hold for 1-5 slow breaths.
Feeling strong? Extend both arms forward with palms facing down. Press your heels to the floor, belly button in, and feel the burn!
Low lunge

The low lunge builds strength as it opens the hips. Expect to be shaky here, and that’s a good thing! In time you will find more and more stability.
- From standing position, step your right leg back as you gently lower the right knee to the floor. If you need more cushion, place a blanket under the lowered knee.
- Make sure the left knee is stacked directly over the right ankle.
- Place your hands right above your hips for balance and relax your shoulders away from your ears.
- Keep your back straight and engage your core muscles.
- Hold for at least five slow breaths and repeat on the other side.
For a deeper hip stretch, move the front foot forward. You can also test your balance by raising both arms overhead.
Wall straddle

The wall straddle is relaxing and achy at the same time. In this restorative position, you can practice mindfulness in how your hips feel as you relax the mind and soften into the ground. Place a blanket underneath, if necessary, to protect your lower back.
- Lie on your back close to the wall. Your bum should be touching the wall.
- Raise your legs upward with your heels resting on the wall.
- Slowly separate your legs on opposite sides and down the wall toward the ground. Let gravity work for you, no need to rush.
- Hold for at least five breaths or much longer.
Take it easy
Remember, you spent your entire life tightening your hips, don’t expect them to open in a day. Give it time and allow yourself to recover after working on hip opening yoga poses. Be mindful of your body, appreciate the tightness and the looseness all the same. Thank your hips and your legs for carrying you all these years. Honor and care for your body and your body will continue to support you.